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• Dive deep into Full Stack development & Build real-world projects using React, JavaScript, Node JS & more.

• With Expert Guidance, Practical Exercises, & Real-World Projects, this program prepares you for a Top Career

• Crafted for both Beginners and Skill Enhancers, with a commitment to 100% Placement Assistance.

ENROLL NOW @ ₹12,000 + GST
Grab Our Early Bird Sale Offer Now

Our Unique Features

Hands-On Learning

Get Complete Hands-on Practical Learning Experience through Assignments, Quizzes & End-to-End Projects for Proper Confidence Building.

Doubt Clearance Support

Get 1-1 Personal Chat Support for Doubt Clearance everyday between 6PM to 9AM (including weekends also). Between 8PM to 9PM, the Teaching Assistants will be also available over Live Zoom Meeting for Doubt Clearance.

Other Important Course Features

Real World Projects
Industrial Internship
Job Hunting Techniques

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Course Syllabus

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Module 1

Fundamentals of programming and development

This course covers the foundational concepts of programming and software development. It introduces students to essential programming concepts such as flow chart & pseudo code. Students will learn fundamentals of frontend,  backend, fullstack development & job roles in this domain.

Module 2


C++ is a powerful and versatile programming language widely used for system programming, game development, and performance-critical applications. This course delves into the syntax, features, and principles of C++, covering topics such as object-oriented programming, memory management, templates, and the Standard Template Library (STL). Students will gain proficiency in C++ programming and learn how to leverage its capabilities to develop efficient and robust software solutions.

Module 3


HTML (Hypertext Markup Language) is the standard markup language for creating web pages and web applications. This course provides an introduction to HTML, covering basic to advanced concepts such as tags, attributes, document structure, forms, multimedia, and semantic elements. Students will learn how to create well-structured and visually appealing web content using HTML, laying the foundation for building dynamic and interactive websites.

Module 4


CSS (Cascading Style Sheets) is a stylesheet language used for styling web documents, enhancing their visual appearance, and controlling layout. This course explores CSS fundamentals, including selectors, properties, values, layout techniques, and responsive design. Students will learn how to apply styling to HTML elements, customize the look and feel of web pages, and create engaging user interfaces with CSS.

Module 5


JavaScript is a versatile programming language commonly used for client-side web development, server-side programming, and building interactive web applications. This course covers JavaScript basics, including syntax, data types, control structures, functions, and objects. Students will also explore advanced topics such as DOM manipulation, event handling, asynchronous programming, and modern JavaScript frameworks like React.

Module 6


SQL (Structured Query Language) is a standard programming language used for managing and manipulating relational databases. This module covers SQL fundamentals, including querying data with SELECT statements, modifying data with INSERT, UPDATE, and DELETE statements, creating and managing database objects such as tables, views, and indexes, and using advanced SQL features like joins, subqueries, and transactions.

Module 7


React is a popular JavaScript library for building user interfaces and single-page applications. This module introduces React concepts such as components, state, props, JSX syntax, and lifecycle methods. Students will learn how to create reusable UI components, manage application state, handle user interactions, and leverage React ecosystem tools like React Router and Redux for state management.

Module 8


Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment that allows developers to build scalable and high-performance server-side applications. This module covers Node.js fundamentals, including event-driven architecture, asynchronous I/O, module system, HTTP handling, and package management with npm. Students will learn how to create web servers, handle requests, and build RESTful APIs using Node.js.

Module 9


MongoDB is a NoSQL database management system known for its flexibility, scalability, and ease of use. This module introduces MongoDB basics such as document-oriented data model, CRUD operations, indexing, aggregation framework, and data replication. Students will learn how to work with MongoDB collections, perform queries, and integrate MongoDB with Node.js applications.

Module 10

Web Development Projects

✅ E-Voting Platform
✅ Anime Blogging Website
✅ E-commerce platform project
✅ B2B Social Platform
✅ Rent Anything Platform
✅ House Objects Management System
✅ Employee Management System

Module 11

DSA (IN Progress)

DSA is a fundamental aspect of computer science and software engineering, focusing on the study of data organization, storage, and retrieval methods, as well as algorithm design and analysis. This module covers essential data structures such as arrays, linked lists, stacks, queues, trees, graphs, and hash tables, as well as algorithmic techniques including sorting, searching, recursion, and dynamic programming.

Module 12

Linux for developer

Linux provides developers with a powerful and flexible environment, supporting a wide array of programming languages and tools. Its open-source nature allows for customization to specific needs, offering a rich ecosystem of development tools and compatibility with technologies like Docker and Kubernetes for efficient coding and deployment.

Module 13


Git is a distributed version control system used for tracking changes in source code during software development. This module provides an overview of Git concepts such as repositories, branches, commits, merges, and remotes. Students will learn how to initialize and configure Git repositories, manage branches, collaborate with others using remote repositories, and resolve conflicts.

Module 14

System design (Coming soon)

System design is the process of designing scalable, reliable, and efficient software systems to meet specific requirements and handle anticipated loads. This module covers system design principles, architecture patterns, scalability techniques, database design, caching strategies, load balancing, and fault tolerance. Students will learn how to analyze requirements, design system components, and make trade-offs to optimize system performance and reliability.

Module 15

JOB HUNTING (Coming Soon)

✅ LinkedIn Course
✅ Resume Building Course
✅ Online Job Searching Hacks
✅ HR Round QnA Video Set
✅ General Aptitude

Potential Roles After Mastering Full Stack Web Development

Full-Stack Developer

Proficient in both frontend and backend development, handling all aspects of web application development.


Specializes in creating visually appealing and interactive user interfaces using HTML, CSS, and JavaScript.

Backend Developer

Focuses on server-side logic, database management, and overall web application architecture.

Web Application Developer

Builds and maintains web-based software to meet specific business or user needs.

Software Engineer

Contributes to the design and development of software solutions beyond web applications.

UI/UX Developer

Creates visually appealing and user-friendly interfaces with a focus on user experience.

DevOps Engineer

Collaborates between development and operations teams, automating processes and ensuring efficient software deployment.

Technical Lead

Oversees development teams, guides project planning, and makes technical decisions.

Freelance Developer

Some individuals Offers full-stack web development expertise to various clients or projects.

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Explore the Ultimate Tools To Master

Learn to master over 20+ key tools, from front-end design to back-end functionality, and elevate your team's skill set for innovative and efficient web solutions.
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CloudyML Placement Assistance Program

Full Stack Web Development Placement Assistance Program is intended to help you make your dream career a reality. This is not just another program, this is the best career guidance available in India.

When others are charging Lakh of Rupees for courses, our vision is to provide Industry Oriented courses @ most affordable price so everyone can learn. To get you placed, we have included some amazing features in this program mentioned below:

# Industrial Internship Opportunity

After completion of the Core Topics, you can apply for Industrial Internship. You will be working on various projects that will boost up your confidence and give you Real World Industrial Working Experience that you can mention in your resume. It can be 3 Months Internship with CloudyML. Based on your performance we can increase the internship period. You will get Certificate of Internship.

# Student's Profile Optimization

Along with helping you to improve your CV through Resume Review, we will optimize your LinkedIn profile. You will become a more qualified applicant and increase your chances of being chosen for job interviews.

# Job Opening & Referral Mails

To keep you informed, we will regularly email you about new Job Openings. Additionally, you will get employment recommendations (Job Referrals) for placements. Your job search will become simpler than ever.

# Company Tie-up Interview

We have connections with many Full Stack Web Development companies and will conduct direct interviews for placement after the completion of your course. This is an another advantage of participating in this Full Stack Web development Placement Assistance Program.

# Unlimited Mock Interview Session

You will have the opportunity to participate in an unlimited number of mock interview sessions with industry experts. It will sharpen your mind, give you more clarity, and prepare you for interviews. You can start giving the Mock Interviews after completing the Core Topics from the course.

# Pay After Placement Program

We will give you dedicated placement assistance from our team to land you on your dream job. When others are charging more than 2 Lakhs, here in CloudyML you have to pay Rs.50,000 after getting a job with the help of our team.

After completing the course, if you get job by your own then you do not have to pay us anything.

Minimum we can guarantee 6LPA for freshers. For experienced people we can provide minimum 20% hike if they have 2 years of relevant experience ( or if they are able to show 2 years of experience). If you will get anything lesser then you do not have to pay us anything.

You will be signing a Pay-After-Placement Agreement with us after your course completion and we will start finding your dream jobs for you.

How You Will Become Job Ready?

More than 20000+ learners are getting benefits from our courses and we are helping them to achieve their dreams by enhancing their skills to Supreme Level with this Roadmap.

Step 1: Learn everything from scratch
You will be learning all the technical topics from basics to advanced level and solving assignments to get complete hands-on practical learning experience.
Step 2: Work on Industrial Projects
After that, you will be doing Industrial Projects that will boost up your confidence and enhance your resume
Step 3: Master pro Career Growth Hacks
Simultaneously with the course, you will be learning Linkedin Growth Hacks, Pro Resume Building and Proven techniques to find jobs through various online platforms.
Step 4: Do an Industrial Internship
After learning all the core topics and doing projects, you can do Industrial Internship with Us and get Real-World exposure that will super enhance your skills
Step 5: Get Placed
With our Placement Assistance Program, which comes with Job Referrals, Unlimited Mock Interviews, Company Tie-up Interviews etc, you will be able to get your Dream Job and you can start your career in Full Stack Web Development  Domain.

📢 Grab Our Early Bird Sale Offer Now And Jumpstart Your Journey.

At Offer Price of ₹12000 + GST

ENROLL NOW @ ₹55000 ₹12,000 + GST


Full Stack Web Development Mastery Course

( Get More Than 80% Discount Today )

₹55000 ₹12,000

+ 18% GST

✅ Structured Tutorial Videos
✅ Guided Practice Assignments
✅ Industrial End-to-End Projects
✅ Job Hunting Tools
✅ 1-1 Doubt Clearance Support
✅ Industrial Internship Offer
✅ Job Opening & Referral Mails
✅ Unlimited Mock Interviews
✅ 100% Placement Assistance
✅ Course Completion Certificate
✅ Learning Portal Access for 1 Year

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Meet The Founder

Greetings, I'm Akash Raj, the Visionary CEO behind CloudyML.

My transformation from a Manual Tester to a Data Scientist wasn't just a career shift; it was a saga of relentless learning and unwavering adaptation. This profound journey didn't just reshape my career—it sparked the creation of our highly successful Data Science Course. A course that has not only revolutionized learning paths for more than 20,000+ learners but also set a new benchmark in mastering Data Science.

The Success Story Continues...

Inspired by the monumental success of our Data Science Learners, it became clear that the tech world is thirsty for more. It craved a similar, robust pathway in another vital area: Web Development. This insight led to the birth of our Full Stack Development Course—a meticulously designed program aimed at empowering aspiring developers and tech professionals. Whether you're charting your first steps in tech or eager to infuse Full Stack Skills into your Existing Portfolio, this course is your gateway to new heights.

Why Full Stack Development with CloudyML?

Our Full Stack Development course is more than just an educational program; it's a transformative experience. Crafted with our signature approach to Practical, Hands-on Learning, it promises not just to educate but to revolutionize how you see and interact with the tech world. So Guys, Join our course, & let's start the journey together towards expanding your horizons, enhancing your skillset, and opening up a world of opportunities in your tech career.

Frequently Asked Questions

What prerequisites are required for this course?

No prerequisites are required for this course. You can learn everything from scratch and anyone from any background can join this course.

What jobs will this program prepare for me?

This program will prepare you to ace interviews for Full Stack Web Developer roles in exciting tech startups, product-based companies, and tech multi-nationals. Our in-built career assistance will help you to crack interviews with resume review sessions

Do you also provide the placement ?

Yes. You will receive Placement Assistance as a part of the course. The course focuses on skill development of the learners so they can crack any Data Science Interview. But this course will make you ready for the market because of our Job Hunting Course. You will learn how to grow Linkedin, Naukri, Angel and how to find jobs from there. Also you will be able to answer all the HR Round Question, be it Career Gap, Salary Negotiation, etc.

How is this course different from other full stack development course?

Existing ways of learning - only video-based courses or expensive bootcamps, don’t provide the development needed when working in a top tech company. CloudyML's project-based learning allows you to work on internship-grade projects and multiple hands-on activities in a real developer environment to learn new skills.

What technologies and languages will I learn in this course?

You will learn HTML, CSS, JavaScript, React for front-end development, and Node.js for server-side programming. The course also covers Linux commands, Git and Github, database management with MongoDB. Additionally you will learn DSA with C++.

How long is the course, and what is the timings?

The course duration is 5-6 Months. This a self-paced learning course so you can study any time.

Are there any live sessions?

The course comes with recorded sessions with assignment driven learning approach and you will get live doubt support every day over chat. The timings will be from 6PM till Midnight IST.

Will there be any real-world projects included in the curriculum?

Absolutely! The course features several real-world projects that simulate professional challenges, allowing you to apply your learning in practical scenarios.

Is there any certification provided after course completion?

Yes, upon successfully completing the course and all assessments, you will receive a certification of completion which is recognized by industry partners.

Can I access course materials after the course ends?

You will get One year access to the entire course including videos, assignments, projects etc.

What kind of support can I expect during the course?

There will be One-to-One live doubt support on our CloudyML app from 6 PM till Midnight IST. There will be one hour Zoom Support from 8PM to 9PM everyday.

Do you have refund policy?

We do not have refund policy. Please visit our page for more details

Course Completion Certificate


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